Sunday, 22 March 2015


The 22nd of February was indeed an eventful day, for it was the day when-

took place.

We all know that Toatmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development with a base of about 313,000 members and growing, but for a program that is predominantly focussed on public-speaking, where does Cricket fit in?!

Now I don't know about you, but I most definetely was surprised that a tournament such as this one exists and more so on seing the sheer enthusiam that the members of my Club have for this event.

Exhibit A

This energetic bunch managed to reach Hebbal at 8:00 AM in the morning on a Sunday, all for the sake of the game and held on to their smiles till the end of the match.

(And threw in a few sombre poses here and there as well)

The mood of the match was bound to be ebulient considering the view of the surrounding-

Pitch perfect

Ain't it?!

Nexus is full of surprises, for in which Sporting event would you expect to dabble your hands at-

And these would be the outcome?!

And so what if we didnt get to win the-

We reached the Semi-finals a la Team India in the this season's World Cup. (Whilst Team Blue sweat it in Australia, Team Black did so in Madavan Park )

If you scroll up the post, you will be convinced that it was one hell of a day!!

A huge thumbs up to all the members who were who were a part of this event. The rest of us are immensely proud of each and every one of you.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Now when you hear the word ‘Toastmaster’s’, well for those who are aware of it (rest click here ), the image that pops in your mind is most likely that of a very formal (read Corporate) looking setting, akin to a Boardroom with a group of serious-looking individuals dressed in even the more serious looking formals. This was definitely the picture that I had in my mind before I stepped into the Fulcrum at Catholic Club, the permanent seat of Deejay’s Toastmasters on that fateful day in September, 2014 as a Guest and the massive surprise that came my way!

Safe to say, things are indeed very different at Deejay’s but true to the spirit of Toastmaster’s worldwide. So here are a few heads up to those of you who are to visit Deejay’s TM this Sunday or the next between 5PM to 7:30 PM and wish to leave with some scrumptious food for thought. Read on.


Yes! From the time I have visited the club as a guest to my quick transition to being its member (believe me, I made up my mind in joining the Club right after my first meeting!), no two meetings I have witnessed have been alike.  Every meeting has been a ride of a rollercoaster and is bound to keep you at the edge of your seat! (The Table Topics Master takes full care of that!). So in one meeting you might find yourself coming up with an adjective, true to your nature, with the first letter of your name and enacting it out to being enthralled by a speech from our very own Silver Tongued Orator- Deepak Justin himself! Quizzical, comical, musical, sometimes magical, but mostly logical our meetings have been anything but typical! Don’t believe me? Come see for yourself!


One thing that is to strike a first-timer at Deejay’s TM is the generous flow of energy throughout the meeting. What else do you expect of a Club whose president is a dynamic 24year old! Who ensures that every meeting is just as spirited as he is. So if you are in a mood to brighten up your Sunday evening right before you are hit by the dreaded Monday Morning Blues, feel free to stop by at Deejay’s TM and grab your share of incredible fun.  You will require a much lesser dose of caffeine to sail through the next day at work.


It’s perfectly fine if you forget your wallet while you at Deejay’s TM, but you ought to carry your sense of humor at every given point, oh that’s a must! You see at Deejay’s humor is given uttermost credence for we believe that no matter what be your situation, if you got your sense of humor intact, you will do just fine.  For its humor that makes a person smile in the face of adversity and we at Deejay’s TM are ardent believers of that principle. And our collection of assorted comedians at the Club will make sure that you do not get to leave without a smile!


I honestly would not have believed the crowd at Deejay’s TM till I got to experience them first-hand. They are nothing short of extra-ordinary!  For aren’t the members of a Club, the live testimonials of the objectives it stands for? The members of the Club strive to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the growth of an individual into an evolved speaker and an effective communicator at large. Even the harshest criticisms don’t seem carry a sting due to manner they are dealt out. And that truly is the strength of Deejay’s Toastmaster’s.


Now this is something we get to hear outside every Dance School right? And trust me we are not too different from one either, for at Deejay’s TM we dance with our words at the tune of our expressions in the rhythm of our body language. Here one is encouraged, not imposed to go up on stage and speak their mind out without an ounce of fear. After all, Deejay’s Toastmaster’s is all about amplifying your inner voice.

Alright, now that you have read the entire write-up, my intuitions tell me that I am likely to see a few new faces in our meeting this week, same time same venue. So come and be a part of my fodder for my next post. Till then, have a great week ahead.